Giving back is a vital part of a full and rewarding life. What could be more fulfilling than doing what we love most, book publishing, while contributing to communities around us?
Since its inception in 1993, founder Nora Shawwa had been guided by the belief that a successful company has a responsibility to the greater community. She made our mission at Rimal Books not only to publish quality books, but to commit to conducting our business with integrity - which extends to everything we do. We would like to thank everyone for their support in helping us give back to individuals and communities around the world.

California, USA
Worldreader - Read2Kids
Read to Kids leverages affordable technology, data analytics, and
partnerships with publishers, corporations and NGOs to empower parents, caregivers and teachers to read regularly with young children. By providing free, culturally-relevant digital books via the Read to Kids mobile and tablet app and by fostering cultures of reading, Read to Kids helps to mitigate the effects of inequitable access to quality education. Rimal Books contributes by donating books to the Read2Kids initiative. Learn more by visiting

InterSOS Hellas, a non-governmental organization assisting with the refugees crisis in Greece (Municipality of Thessaloniki and Ioannina region). Rimal Books contributes by donating books to the InterSOS initiative.

United Arab Emirates
Friends Of Cancer Patients (UAE)
The FOCP fosters an environment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) whereby cancer-related issues are a part of public policy, openly and comfortably discussed, and a part of the national agenda on an ongoing and permanent basis. Together with author Sherine Ben Halim Jafar, Rimal Books contributed to supports the initiative. To learn more about the FOCP, please visit

United Kingdom
St. Ann's Hospital - Child Development Centre
The Child Development Centre in London provides a range of
specialist, multi disciplinary services to children aged 0 to 19 years with developmental difficulties or disorders, special educational needs, disabilities and complex health needs. Rimal Books contributes by donating books to the St Ann's Hospital - Child Development Centre. For more details about the centre and how you can help, please contact Child Development Centre, Block M2, St Ann's Hospital, St Ann's Road, London, N13 3TH, UK.

Children's Cancer Center
The Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL), established in
Beirut- Lebanon, is a unique regional center for the comprehensive treatment of pediatric cancer. An affiliate of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennesse- U.S.A, the center works in close association with the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC). Rimal Books contributes by donating children's books to the CCCL. For more details about the foundation and how you can help, please visit

The Edward Said Library
The Edward Said Library is a public library and the first of its kind in Jerusalem providing a space for reading and offering 4,010 books of various genres with a special corner for children. Rimal contributes by donating books to the library.

United Arab Emirates
Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services
Supporting the Sharjah City Humanitarian Services - GET A BOOK LIGHT A PATH initiative, Rimal contributes by donated books during the annual SIBF.

California, USA
Middle East Children's Alliance
The Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) is a nonprofit humanitarian aid organization based in Berkeley, California. MECA works for the rights and the well-being of children in the Middle East, supporting families and children in Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon. Rimal Books contributes by donating books to MECA. To learn more about the organization and how you can also help, please visit

Campus in Camps
Organized through the British Council for the Edward Said Library at the Al-Finiq Centre in Dheisheh refugee camp, Bethlehem, Palestine. Together with volunteers, the library continues to stocking the library in exile with books. Rimal Books contributes by donating books to the Campus in Camps initiative through the British Council.

United Arab Emirates
Sharjah Beach Library (UAE)
The Sharjah Beach Library initiative was set up to introduce bountiful book shelves on beaches across the Emirate. It’s the latest in a series of projects carried out by authorities for the year-long Sharjah World Book Capital 2019 celebrations. A UNESCO appointed title, given to cities as an appreciation for their commitments to supporting the pursuit of reading. Rimal Books contributed by donating books to the Sharjah Beach Library initiative.

The Palestine Writing Workshop
The Palestine Writing Workshop (PWW) fosters a community of emerging writers in Palestine through an array of programmes in both Arabic and English. Rimal Books contributes by donating books to the PWW Reading Room. Rimal also donates children books that are then awarded during the Palestine Literature Fest to children who read the most books for the "Come on, Let's Read Palestine!" competition.

Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation
Each year, Rimal Books funds the production of photographer
Falak Shawwa's calendar projects, with proceeds from the sales are donated to the kindergartens run by the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Foundation (GKCF). The calendar sales raised funds that covered the annual tuition of 35 children at the GKCF Kindergartens over the period or two years. To learn more about how you can support GKCF Kindergartens, please visit

Gaza Monologues
Ashtar Theatre, with the support of UNICEF, train groups of talents ages 14 to 18 using drama therapy and creative writing. This initiative led to the collaboration with Rimal in the publishing of their works in The Gaza Mono-Logues (paperback) in three languages, Arabic, English and French.

United Kingdom
Cycling 4 Gaza
Cycling4Gaza aims at raising awareness about the ongoing crisis in Gaza and raise funds for educational and healthcare projects for the children in the Gaza Strip. In October 2011, a group of cyclists traveled across Greece, from Olympia to Athens, covering over 350km in just 3 days as part of the Cycling4Gaza fundraiser. Rimal Books contributed part of the proceeds of the sale of the book Life at the Crossroads: A History of Gaza (new edition) in support of the cause during the opening of the event in London. Learn more by visiting

United Arab Emirates
In 2008, INAASH - a Lebanese social and cultural association working with Palestinian women and children living
in the refugee camps in - exhibited its wide collection of dresses and other embroidered items in the United Arab Emirates. In collaboration with INAASH, Rimal contributed to the tour by donating part of the proceeds of book sales in the UAE.

Welfare Association
Throughout several events, Rimal Books contributed the proceeds from book sales towards Welfare Association, an NGO working toward furthering the progress of Palestinians, preserving their heritage and identity and supporting their living culture. Events included: Life at the Crossroads and Palestinian Embroidery Motifs book launches.

Médecins du Monde
In 2002, Rimal provided publishing services for Médecins du Monde's book Gaza Land Under Shadows: A Journey with Médecins du Monde-Chypre, an album dedicated to all the Plaestinians who worked with volunteers of Médecins du Monde-Chypre who have taken part in the missions to Gaza.