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10 Recent Literary Novels That Take On Society

Arguably the best books and stories open minds and hearts, and take readers on a journey of wonder, questioning, and learning. They are rebellion and hope in print.

Vanished: The Mysterious Disappearance Of Mustafa Ouda by Ahmed Masoud

An un-traditional story set against the political unrest in Palestine, following a young boy trying to find his father. This novel is about friendship in difficult circumstances and what its like for young boys living in the Gaza Strip.


Other titles:

1. A Time for New Dreams by Ben Okri

2. Fledgling by Octavia Butler

3. The Butterfly Prison by Tamara Pearson

4. Children of the Days by Eduardo Galeano

5. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

6. Sex Wars by Marge Piercy

7. Steam Drills, Treadmills, and Shooting Stars by Rivera Sun

8. A Mercy by Toni Morrison

9. The Quiet Violence of Dreams by K. Sello Duiker



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