Dying in the Land of Promise
Dying in the Land of Promise
Palestine and Palestinian Christianity from Pentecost to 2000
by Donald E. Wagner
Dying in the Land of Promise presents the reader with two simultaneous narratives, the dominant of which is the story of Palestinian Christianity. The narrative is set within the context of Palestine’s changing political and religious history. Gradually the secondary narrative overtakes the Christian narrative, particularly during the last 125 years with the rise of nationalism, Zionism, the triumph of Israel, and the dramatic decline of Palestinian Christianity in the Holy Land.
Written for the non-specialist and geared towards a
Western audience, the volume challenges traditional assumptions articulated in the mainstream media concerning the Christians of Palestine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The history of Palestinian Christianity is tragic and inspiring as it calls for a profound and immediate response from Western Christians and all concerned friends to a community that is truly an endangered species in the ‘land of promise’, given the present rates of emigration, economic blight, and an all too delayed resolution to the political conflict in the Holy Land today.
135 x 216 mm
280 pages
Melisende Publishing, UK
ISBN 1-901764-22-2
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