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حذار من الدول الصغيرة

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حذار من الدول الصغيرة

«حذار من الدول الصغيرة»، جملة كتبها الثوري الروسي ميخائيل باكونين عن أوروبا القرن التاسع عشر: إنهم ضحايا الدول الكبرى، لكنهم أيضاً مصدر خطر لها. لبنان - دولة صغيرة بعدد سكانها ومساحتها - باتت هي كذلك، أرض معارك دول المنطقة. تاريخ لبنان هذا بقلم الصحافي العريق، دافيد هيرست، هو أيضاً تاريخ الشرق الأوسط وخاصة الصراع العربي-الإسرائيلي الذي ابتليت به المنطقة منذ قرن تقريباً.

هيرست جريء ولا يخاف الجدل... حذار من الدول الصغيرة دقيق جداً ولكنه استفزازي... يجب قراءته لفهم جذور حتمية حدوث الحريق الهائل المقبل. - كاي بيرد، واشنطن بوست

عدد نادر جداً من الكتّاب هم مؤهلون كدافيد هيرست لكتابة هذا الكتاب. - فواز جرجس، غارديان


الفصل الأول: بذور الصراع 1860 - 1923
الفصل الثاني: صهاينة وموارنة: علاقة مرفوضة: 1923 - 1948
الفصل الثالث: إرجاء الحساب: لبنان ينجو من عواقب الكارثة: 1948 - 1967
الفصل الرابع: لبنان والفلسطينيون: الطريق إلى الحرب الأهلية: 1967 - 1975
الفصل الخامس: الحرب الأهلية في لبنان: حرب بالوكالة عن كلٍّ احدٍ آخر: 1975 - 1976
الفصل السادس: الغطرسة الإمبراطورية: إسرائيل تشنُّ «حربا مُخْتاَرة » في لبنان 1977 - 1982
الفصل السابع: مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا: آلهة الانتقام الإمبراطورية في إسرائيل: 1982 - 1985
الفصل الثامن: الخميني والإسلاميون وانتفاضة الشيعة: 1979 - 1985
الفصل التاسع: الحرب الأهلية تحطُّ أوزارها: صعود حزب الله: 1985 - 1992
الفصل العاشر: انتصار الشيخ - المحارب: حسن نصر الله يذلُّ صهيون: 1992 - 2000
الفصل الحادي عشر: إعادة رسم خارطة الشرق الأوسط: 2001 - 2006
الفصل الثاني عشر: إخراج سوريا من لبنان: 2004 - 2006
الفصل الثالث عشر: الحرب السادسة: 2006
الفصل الرابع عشر: من الذي ربح؟: 2006 - 2008
الفصل الخامس عشر: غزّة: 2009
خاتمة: سلام أوباما - أم حربٌ سابعة؟

Beware of Small States

In Beware of Small States: Lebanon, Battleground of the Middle East, acclaimed Middle East journalist and historian David Hirst charts the interplay between a uniquely complex country and the broader struggles of a modern Middle East.

The phrase “Beware of Small States” was first used by Russian libertarian socialist and anarchist Mikhail Bakunin in the nineteenth-century, and referred to the smaller European nations that were seemingly vulnerable to their larger, more powerful neighbors could also prove a “source of trouble for their tormentors too.” Analogously, Lebanon, a country small in area and population, has become a battleground for the wars of the entire Middle East region.

In his book, Hirst recounts the history of the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict through the Lebanese prism, and explains how the country continues to serve as the stage on which the region’s greater states pursue their strategic, political, and ideological interests, birthing conflicts that often escalate into full-scale proxy wars.

‘As anyone who follows the news will know, there is no happy ending to this story.' - FINANCIAL TIMES


Book Reviews

حذار من الدول الصغيرة
حذار من الدول الصغيرة Sale price€13.00

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
An immensely absorbing and thoroughly researched book

Beware of Small States is an immensely absorbing and thoroughly researched book on Lebanon's critically turbulent history which unavoidably evolves into the history of Middle East's Arab - Israeli conflict... The book is not an easy ready by any means. This is history with all its ugly truth and some more.

Hirst's perspective is based on actual geo-political facts and the events that sowed the seeds of imminent conflict that caused the six Israel - Arab wars to date, the rise of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), how Ayatollah Khomeini's militant group, Hizbullah got involved from Iran, Syria's so called big brother protection of Lebanon and interfering into its politics, other Arab leader's non-reaction when the need to do so was at hand and of course, Israel's relentless pursuit of aggression to disable any form of unity that would threaten its own existence - the root cause for this whole mess to start with...Like the author put it, Lebanon became the 'battleground of other people's wars'. Alas, being geographically poised to offer such a ground for two warring parties, unwittingly and inevitably Lebanon got drawn into the 'Arab - Israeli struggle' on Lebanon's land....It's up to us now who have read 'Beware of Small States' to seek more facts from opposite sides if any; to make up our own minds. However, I think David Hirst has got the truth spot on.

Lebanese history is grisly, convoluted and political as hell

Hirst's broader argument is that the politics and conflicts of the small sectarian nation of Lebanon are consumed by broader power dynamics between its neighbouring states and their Western allies, and that Lebanese conflicts are emblematic of the political complexities of the entire region. He does a great job in unfolding an intelligible sweeping narrative which tracks down the plethora of shifting political alliances and betrayals over a century and a half that ends with an analysis of events surrounding the Israeli invasion of Gaza in 2009. A lot of blame is explicitly attributed to the application of belligerent, aggressive Zionist Israeli military strategy in encouraging the civil war and inflicting subsequent military violence upon civilians (for e.g., siding with the Phalangists on numerous occasions, especially in the case of the Sabra and Shatila camp massacres), and Hirst clearly admires Hizbullah as a non-state state-like organisation for their provision of social services and their effective discipline as a guerilla force. Yet the work never comes across as too polemic, for Hirst's analyses of the interconnectedness of relationships between the other players such as Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the already-fraught internal politics of Lebanese factions provide a pretty nuanced account of the fragile Lebanese state, and a convincing explanation of the aggregation of problems that form the conditions of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

S Wood
Beware of Neighbouring States

The Guardians former Middle East correspondent and long term resident of Beirut (kidnapped twice) has penned a fine book telling the story of Lebanons role (putting the occupied territories to one side) as the main battleground of the Arab-Israeli conflict...."Beware of Small States" is a welcome addition to an already crowded field. Within its 400 pages it provides a well written and straightforward account of the Arab-Israeli conflict as it effected Lebanon. Developments in the Middle East as a whole (particularly occupied Palestine, Syria and Israel) and beyond are never absent, and keep the reader informed, far more than ought to be practical in a book focussed on Lebanon, of the conflict in its entirety. Other books that might be of interest are Hirsts own The Gun and the Olive Branch which is a general history of the conflict up until its last revision in 2003; and Robert Fisks exemplary work Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War that details Lebanons ordeal up to the end of the Civil War in 1990, with additional chapters in the 2001 edition bringing the story up to the Israeli withdrawl of 2000.

ترجمة كتاب هيرست للعربية

بشرى سارة ترجمة كتاب هيرست للعربية , فهذا كتاب جد هام لصحفي عريق يعرف لبنان والمنطقة جيدا. شكرا لابلاغنا.

The ULTIMATE history of the Middle East from Ottoman transition to present!

At first I was unsure how Hirst could top his heroic Gun and Olive Branch:Roots of Violence in the Middle East......Put aside all current readings on the region...clear the decks...and desks, kindles, laptops but make time for this retrospective historical accounting, as no other will enrich, inform, educate and awaken. Brilliantly researched using regional archives and beyond.

READ THIS BOOK...give it as a gift to family, associates and friends....Many Blessings to David Hirst for providing readers with blue print and text to finally arrive at this comprehensive beautifully written book, which hands Obama administration an unsparing review of what could lie ahead without the strictest adherence to the lessons of the past... & to Nation Press for publishing this stunner.


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