TWiP Book of the Month
In the author’s own words:
This book began as a simple cookbook with recipes I wished to share with my friends, my family, and, most importantly, my children in order to honor our heritage and the large variety of dishes that enrich its cuisine. But then, a quiet voice within me recognized this golden opportunity and with increasing intensity insisted on being heard. I listened. Among the recipes in the cookbook, I intertwined stories of our family’s life as exiles from Libya, fully knowing that our fate is not an exception and remains the norm for far too many.
In telling this story, I found deeply buried memories wrapped up in many protective layers that unfolded to reveal parts of a forgotten me. While at times the process was difficult, even painful, at other times, I found treasures: beautiful moments tinted with memories of my family. Being in the kitchen has given me peace and happiness. I turned to food to explain my experience of being displaced, and cooking gave me a sense of identity. I wrote an autobiographical cooking journey, a book that reveals what I consider to be the secrets of Palestinian cuisine as well as the story of how food lit the way to the discovery of my identity.
Under the Copper Covers
By Sherine Ben Halim Jafar
Rimal Books, 2017, 320 pages